Here is information about Climate action groups working in the broader Chicago area, many with connections to other national or global groups.
A “no” uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a “yes” merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Blacks In Green is a Southside organization headed by Naomi Davis. The organization “serves as a bridge and catalyst among communities and their stakeholders in the design and development of green, self-sustaining, mixed-income, walkable-villages in communities owned and populated by African Americans. In these places, every household can walk-to-work, walk-to-shop, walk-to-learn, walk-to-play, and neighbor dollars circulate to reduce greenhouse gases.”
“Rising Tide Chicago is affiliated with Rising Tide North America, a network of groups and individuals that use education and direct action to confront the root causes of climate change.”
“Extinction Rebellion (Chicago) uses nonviolent direct actions and peaceful civil disobedience to disrupt business-as-usual in order to compel governments to act now to save a livable climate.” The global website is Rebellion Earth.
The Sunrise Movement, “We’re building an army of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.” They are strong supporters of the Green New Deal.
The Chicago chapter of the Sunrise Movement has a Facebook page.
“350 Chicago was formed to bring Chicago-area citizens into the global climate movement that is We take action locally on climate issues that are important to Chicago and the Midwest, including our primary campaign of divestment.”